Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
The book series Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA) covers all aspects of theoretical and applied Artificial Intelligence research in the form of monographs, selected doctoral dissertations, handbooks and proceedings volumes. The FAIA series contains several sub-series, including 'Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases' and 'Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems.’ It also includes the biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) proceedings volumes, and other EurAI (European Association for Artificial Intelligence, formerly ECCAI) sponsored publications. The series has become a highly visible platform for the publication and dissemination of original research in this field. Volumes are selected for inclusion by an international editorial board of well-known scholars in the field of AI. All contributions to the volumes in the series have been peer reviewed.
The FAIA series is indexed in ACM Digital Library; DBLP; EI Compendex; Google Scholar; Scopus; Web of Science: Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) and Book Citation Index - Science (BKCI-S); Zentralblatt MATH.

Intelligenza Artificiale
Intelligenza Artificiale is the official journal of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA). Intelligenza Artificiale publishes rigorously reviewed articles (in English) in all areas of Artificial Intelligence, with special attention on original contributions. It also publishes assessments of the state of the art in various areas of AI and innovative system descriptions with appropriate evaluation.
Intelligent Data Analysis
Intelligent Data Analysis provides a forum for the examination of issues related to the research and applications of Artificial Intelligence techniques in data analysis across a variety of disciplines. These techniques include (but are not limited to): all areas of data visualization, data pre-processing (fusion, editing, transformation, filtering, sampling), data engineering, database mining techniques, tools and applications, use of domain knowledge in data analysis, big data applications, evolutionary algorithms, machine learning, neural nets, fuzzy logic, statistical pattern recognition, knowledge filtering, and post-processing. In particular, papers are preferred that discuss development of new AI related data analysis architectures, methodologies, and techniques and their applications to various domains.